Giving Our All to Carter BloodCare
We rolled up our sleeves and gave Carter BloodCare– the primary provider of blood components to more than 350 healthcare facilities– a new logo and tagline, an interactive website, smart social media strategies and a series of TV and radio campaigns that helped this amazing organization exceed their blood donation quotas and improve their ability to track donors and measure response– all while attracting a whole new generation of brand fans.
Roll Up Your Sleeves & Give!
This successful multi-layered campaign rallied the community and helped Carter BloodCare attract the 1100 blood donors they need every day, all while increasing subscribers and followers. TV spots directed viewers to our funny outtakes video on our website at which point we gathered info to stay in touch.
Hear from real-life blood donors who tell charming 15-second mini-stories about the reasons they give blood. The real power of these spots is derived from the genuine, authentic delivery of donors who are passionate advocates of the cause.
how to be a hero (on your lunch hour)
On this first campaign for Carter Bloodcare, we worked with a shoestring budget and stock video to make the point that everyday people can become heroes… during their lunch hours or driving home from the dry cleaners.